Canadese Amerikaanse TV serie gebaseert op de korte verhalen van Ray Bradbury

Uitgezonden in de jaren '80 door de KRO

Zie ook de serie - T _ TWIST in a TALE met de verteller William Shatner

1 Marionettes, Inc.
2 The Playground
3 The Crowd
4 The Town Where No One Got Off
5 The Screaming Woman
6 Banshee
7 The Fruit At the Bottom of the Bowl
8 Skeleton
9 The Emissary
10 Gotcha!
11 The Man Upstairs
12 The Small Assassin
13 Punishment Without Crime
14 On the Orient, North
15 The Coffin
16 Tyrannosaurus Rex
17 There Was an Old Woman
18 And So Died Riabouchinska
19 The Dwarf
20 A Miracle of Rare Device
21 The Lake
22 The Wind
23 The Pedestrian
24 A Sound of Thunder
25 The Wonderful Death of Dudley Stone
26 The Haunting of the New
27 To the Chicago Abyss
28 Hail and Farewell
29 The Veldt
30 Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar!
31 Mars Is Heaven
32 The Murderer
33 Touched With Fire
34 The Black Ferris
35 Usher II
36 Touch of Petulance
37 And the Moon Be Still As Bright
38 The Toynbee Convector
39 Exorcism
40 The Day it Rained Forever
41 The Long Years
42 Here There Be Tygers
43 The Earthmen
44 Zero Hour
45 The Jar
46 Colonel Stonesteel and the "Desperate Empties"
47 The Concrete Mixer
48 The Utterly Perfect Murder
49 Let's Play Poison
50 The Martian
51 The Lonely One
52 The Happiness Machine
53 Tomorrow's Child
54 The Anthem Sprinters
55 By the Numbers
56 The Long Rain
57 The Dead Man
58 Sun and Shaddow
59 Silent Towns
60 Downwind From Gettysburg
61 Some Live Like Lazarus
62 The Handler
63 Fee Fie Foe Fum
64 Great Wide World Over There
65 The Tombstone